This is a very dear subject of the philosophing I do on my own...

How can something so extremely subjective as quality sometimes be completely obvious to all, and sometimes completely overlooked by everyone except a few (in that moment) sensitive people?

Lets play with a thought for a while: "All our human senses are developed and tuned to be able to understand/appreciate as much diverse quality as possible - this is what being a human is about".

I believe that any animal on this planet live good, happy lives if not robbed of their natural way of life, environment or sense of security etc. experiencing quality up to the maximum of their senses.
Now we humans have complicated things a lot ... by weighing different kinds of qualities to each other we decide which to acknowledge and which to disregard making us focus on some of the qualities surrounding us and losing some others. This difference of focus between individuals can give us a feeling of distance or worse - the feeling there is something we don't "get", a conflict is born.

Remember the thought ? What if we would focus on recieving/experiencing quality instead of the event or item triggering it? It's not the events themselves that makes our lives "good" it is how we percieve them, meaning the better we are at seeing good things around us the happier we are.

If obvious quality is something easily spotted and not so obvious quality means we have to make an effort to see it this is the key, we have to make the effort! Too often we disregard the things not obvious thus missing out on a great deal of the quality offered to us.

A danger in flooding our lives with things not needing efforts to "take in" is that the flood of "quality hidden" never gets time to be uncovered by us, making us feel worse at heart and making us search for the more obviously spotted things only. The danger is this: we may lose our capabilities to look !
Have a look in the picture album
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