Well - so why do I want to write down some "random thoughts ?

Normally when You surf in on someone's home page you don't get much "under the skin" on that person ... I decided I wanted this part of my page to be at least one exception to that rule !

I will not speak ill about other people in these "thoughts", something I don't do much anyway by the way - All views expressed here are my own and if You'd want to quote me on anything, please ask me first !

If You'd feel unhappy with a thought of mine You can always mail me and ask me to refrase it, remove it or generally reconsider. I have always been a person happy with input from people with views !

I'd also like to say that I'm not especially proud of my skills as a writer in any way ! - Reading many books doesn't necessarily make You a good writer it seems (in my case at least) and as You might know, English is not at all my native language so expect these pages to contain some spelling errors etc. !

I love a quote I once heard from the conductor Pinchas Steinberg, a flute player is supposed to have said :
"I played right but ... it came out wrong"
Have a look in the picture album
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