Here Is Me Sawing Off One Branch I Often Sit On ...

I really believe it is essential that performing arts try to stay away from being associated with companies. In my opinion classical music (among other art forms) provides one of the few opportunities for us humans to get in contact with a sort of innocence we seldom can afford.

Today classical music would not survive (i.e be played publicly) if it wasn't for the sponsor deals. This means when our companies go through bad times the amount of music played is less, leading into making classical music (as an example) something that is affordable in good times only and has to be cut down on during bad times - this I think is absurd since culture is just this :CULTURE

Classical music can be TOTALLY borderless , It supports not one single oppression of mind or sex (with a few stupid exceptions), it can not be linked to (with a few stupid exceptions) political systems benefiting on the exploiting of others - it's something "Free" and it is a link between people of any culture and not at all intended/suited for the commercial system to abuse and politicate!

Think about this example for a second - there I am on stage playing Shostakovitj 8th string quartet under a banner of Ericsson Cellular, a company that dealt with the junta in Burma (1999) - who actually paid for this concert ? I Want to be able to have a clear conscience playing my music on stage, something hard to achieve now when we artists have to deal indirectly with the companies. No longer can we be naive and say "oh i didn't know they did stuff like THAT" while we carry the flags of our sponsors to stage! (the bigger the company the harder to have insights on their ethics)

Solution ?? Yes there is one ... not very complicated either !(Expensive - yes)
Make culture something separated from companies! And make it essential and CENTRAL in the educational system paid for by the state (us, you and me remember ?!) It's a big battle to win - making literature, art and music more interesting to our citizens than what sneakers/garment to wear in public (all the brand companies are PAYING for making the opposite true and they pay a lot)
I'm sure Quality can/will win over commercial interests in our future ... it will HAVE to win !
Have a look in the picture album
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